Basic Workout Plan


This is a go-to 4 day workout plan we use on occasion. A few of these works require the necessary equipment, such as the Lat Pull Down and Leg Extensions, but those can be interchanged with other workouts.

I’d recommend that you do each group roughly every other day. Although this doesn’t quite fit into a 7 day week, so you can do it something like this instead: Monday Group 1, Tuesday Group 2, Thursday Group 3, and Saturday Group 4. Then pick a day or 2 with no group workout assigned and do some type of low intensity cardio, such as cycling or running with the intent of maintaining a fat burn heart rate, such as 125 bpm for a 40 year old male.

The calculation for fat burning zone heart rate is simple: (220 – {your age}) * 0.8 = {approximate fat burn heart rate}


Group 1:

Chest and Back		Sets	Reps
Flat Bench 4 10
Lat Pull Downs 4 10
Flat Flyes 4 10
Kneeled Rows 4 10
Incline Bench 4 10
Seated Rows 3 10
Incline Flyes 4 10
Pushups 3 20

Group 2:

Legs			Sets	Reps
Leg Extensions 4 14
Stiff Leg Deadlifts 3 12
Close Knee Squats 3 10
Weighted Lunges 3 10
Kick Backs 3 10
Leg Curls 4 12
Lunges 4 10

Group 3:

Bi and Tri		Sets	Reps
Alternating Curls 3 10
Tricep Pushdown 4 10
Bent Over Curls 3 10
Overhead Dumbbell 3 10
Ez Bar Curl 4 10
Overhead Ez Bar 3 10
Single Arm Tricep 3 10
Light weight Burn Out 3 *

Group 4:

Shoulders and Traps	Sets	Reps
Front Lateral Raises 3 10
Front Raises 3 10
Seated Dumbbell Press 3 10
Upper Back Rows 3 10
Standing Ez Bar Press 3 10
Shrugs 3 10
Posted in fitness.